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Putting some order into this messy website

Saturday 2 March 2024, by Mathieu Brèthes

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I spent the afternoon reorganizing my site. Now, the sections on the right (under Welcome) each correspond to a project. The articles that will be directly integrated into these sections will be precise and permanent information (not narration) on a tool, project, or work of art (depending on the section).

The "logbook" section, on the other hand, collects all articles written along the way, whether they are associated with a project (in which case they will also appear on the project page in a "logbook" section) or not.

For the moment (March 02, 2024) only two projects are visible: VerCon, my revision control manager, and PyKiosk, the digital kiosk developed for Nils. The other projects (the C compiler idea for the Neo Geo Pocket, the Visual Novel Nine Suns, and the DiaVN graphic development environment) already have sections created, but lack a home page that I’ll have to write.

In short, there’s still a lot of work to be done, but I’ve got a feeling that it’ll be better in the long run.